
Bitchin' blogs: How to use SEO for blogging

Bitchin' blogs: How to use SEO for blogging

If you’ve got any hope of anyone other than your friends and family reading your stuff, you’ve got to incorporate some basic search engine optimization techniques. I've learned a thing or two from SEO marketers and I'm sharing my go-to-tactics with you.

The art of staying focused in a distracted world

The art of staying focused in a distracted world

I recently had my numerology chart done and the results were fascinating. 

In its simplest form, numerology is the study of numbers and their significance in our lives, and it dates alllll the way back to (*name drop*) Mr. Pathagoras himself. Numerology experts believe that you can learn a lot about yourself by taking a deep dive into your numbers.

It was no surprise, then, that my 5’s were off the charts, while 8’s were virtually nonexistent.